I am not the only one that is heartbroken that the maker of HandyShopper has expressed no interest in making an app for Droid. I have used it for years, and the only thing I didn’t like about it was not being able to edit it on my desktop.
So, I looked at several other shopping apps (Grocery King, OI Shopper, Dr. Shopper, Upvise, Our Groceries, Hungry, Andyshopper) and ToMarket (free for Lite, or $3.99 for Pro) is the most Handyshopper-like app I could find. And bonus - you can edit it via a csv file on your computer, but it’s still not easy to add things to the list.
However, I did successfully add all 1500+ of my Handyshopper items to ToMarket, and while it did take some time, it wasn’t all that hard.
How to import your Handyshopper lists from your Palm to ToMarket on your Droid:
- Export each of your Handyshopper store lists to your Memos, using either dashes or bullets (I unchecked everything, I didn’t care about prices or aisles, but I imagine you can tweak these steps to add whatever you like from HS).
- Sync your Palm with your computer.
- On your computer, open a Word Doc (or even Notepad) and cut & paste each file into the document.
- Do a “Find & Replace” to “replace” all the dashes or bullets with nothing (deleting the dashes/bullets).
- Do a “Find & Replace” to “replace” all the commas (“,”) with “@comma@” (not in quotes).
- If you have any multiple line items (like I used to paste entire recipes into my shopping lists), make them one line.
If you have this:
Change to:
Flour & Sugar & Eggs
Flour @comma@ Sugar @comma@ Eggs
(Whatever, just keep it on one line!) - On your Droid, download ToMarket (either the “Lite” or “Pro”).
- Open it, and add each of your stores (They are the titles of each of your Memos): Menu button ->More->Store Maintenance.
- For each of your Databases (I had “General” and “Christmas”) in HS, make that a List title in TM: Menu button->Switch Lists->Create a New List
- Helpful hint: Add a couple items manually on your Droid to each List (so when you open the CSV file, there’s data in there to kind of guide you).
- Export the Database: Menu button->More->Tools->Preferences->Export Database (Click OK)
- Hook up your Droid (as a USB drive) via USB to your computer. Go to the ToMarket\export folder and you’ll find the ToMarket.csv file. Copy this to your desktop, and make a backup copy somewhere else (just in case you mess up the first file.)
- Back on your computer, open the file… How the .csv file is laid out is explained by ToMarket here, along with some tips on how data should be entered (some we fixed in steps 5 & 6 above). Note that Column A is your “List” names, and Column B is your item names, and Column D is the store names (separated by semicolons).
- From the Word doc, paste one of your lists (except the first line (store name)) into Column B under the items you had manually entered on your Droid.
- Edit Column D with “All;Storename;” (If you have something that you want to appear on multiple store lists, like toothpaste, change it to “All;DrugstoreName;GroceryStoreName;” or whatever (Note: If you had an item on multiple store lists in HS, it will be showing up in each exported Memo – you can delete the multiples of the items, you just need one, as long as you change the store names to the ones you want it to show up in).
- You can also edit the other columns if you want (or just fill down each column so it matches what’s above it).
- Once your file is complete (or if you just want to do a test run), save and close the file, and move the file back onto the Droid via the USB (replacing the old one).
- IMPORTANT: Disconnect the Droid from the computer!
- Open ToMarket on the Droid.
- Import the file: Menu button->More->Tools->Preferences->Import Database. This may take a while, depending how many entries you have (I had 1500, so it took a few minutes).
- Everything should be in ToMarket! (Note: If you open your file and notice weird names (“Flour” “Butter” “Sugar” “Eggs” for example) for stores or lists, go back and do steps 5 & 6 – Remember: NO Commas, and No multiple line items!)
The whole process was relatively easy (especially compared to the time I had moving my calendar to Google Calendar), just took some time. I also found it pretty forgiving, like when I didn’t remove all the commas, and had items on multiple lines in the cell in the csv file.